Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment)
The RHLI is a Primary Reserve infantry unit in 31 Canadian Brigade Group, 4th Canadian Division. Formed December 11, 1862, we are the oldest unit in the Hamilton-Burlington area. Our task is to augment our Regular Force with well-trained and highly motivated infantry soldiers. To keep our soldiers in fighting shape, we train regularly on a wide range of skillsets, weapon systems, and equipment.

What is the light infantry?
Infantry soldiers are the army’s primary fighting force. They are capable of operating and maintaining a wide variety of weapons, tools, and communication and surveillance equipment. They thrive in all weather conditions, at all times of the day, and accomplish complex missions. Infantry primarily work in the elements, carrying everything they need on their back. It is a demanding and incredibly rewarding job.
Bravo Company
Once our recruits graduate from their infantry training, they are welcomed into Bravo Company. Bravo Company represents the bulk of the RHLI’s fighting force. It is here where our members continue to master their craft as infantry soldiers and embark on supplementary and specialised training. Bravo Company trains regularly, on weeknights and weekends, on skills such as offensive and defensive manoeuvres, patrolling, close quarters combat, winter warfare, and urban operations.

Do you want to train with the RHLI?
The Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve is actively recruiting! Challenge yourself in new and exciting ways.

Delta Company
Delta Company is responsible for maintaining and refining the regiment’s Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) capability. The aim of CIMIC is to support mission objectives by establishing and maintaining cooperation with government and non-government organizations, local authorities, and civilian populations. The intent is to have military and non-military groups working toward a common goal and gain the confidence and support of local populations.
RHLI Regimental Band
The Regimental Band is an operational sub-unit within the regiment. Their role is to provide musical support to the RHLI to foster high morale and esprit de corps. They also participate in programs designed to enhance community relations, increase awareness of the Canadian Armed Forces, and instill national pride.